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79 search results for: what is copywriting


How to Write a Compelling Blog Post [Tips for New Copywriters]

If you’re a new copywriter wondering how to write a compelling blog post, you’re not alone. First, what the heck does “compelling” even mean? You’re going to hear that word a lot as you’re learning about copywriting and content marketing. You’ll also hear the word “engaging.” Write engaging copy, they said. Write compelling copy. Write […]


Blog Best Practices [Tips for New Copywriters]

If you’re a new freelance copywriter, I can almost guarantee you’ll be doing a lot of blogging for clients. Why? Well, blogging is an essential element in an effective inbound marketing strategy. This means you must understand blog best practices. You can’t just write any old thing, slap it on a blog, and call it […]


8 Questions to Ask a Copywriter

You’ve learned why you should hire a copywriter. You’ve found some good freelance copywriters online and set up initial calls. What’s next? You need smart questions to ask. That’s where I come in. Below, I give you eight questions to ask a copywriter. These questions will guide your initial meeting. BTW: Do you learn better […]


How to Hire a Copywriter: 7 Helpful Steps

I did a blog post on why you should hire a copywriter. Now, let’s discuss how to hire a copywriter. If you learn better by watching a video, I got you. Scroll to the end to see the video I recorded on this topic. How to find a good copywriter & how to hire a […]


How to Be a Good Copywriter

Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been at this copywriting thing for a while, you may be wondering how to be a good copywriter. And by “good,” you might mean “great.” Or, as we say in Boston, “wicked pissah.” Since “how to be a wicked pissah copywriter” doesn’t get many searches, I will stick […]


Blog vs Email Newsletter: Which One Is Better?

One of my clients came to me about starting a quarterly email newsletter. I thought this was a great idea since the client wanted to use the newsletter as a way to stay in front of clients and colleagues, share recent work, and talk about relevant industry trends. The client is a small research company. […]


What is a Content Farm & Should You Work for One?

Today we have a philosophical question. It’s about content farms, also known as content mills: What is a content farm, and should you ever consider working for one? The short answer is like most things in life: It depends. I do have strong feelings about content farms, but I’m also only one person. And we […]


What Does a Copywriter Portfolio Look Like? Tips for New Copywriters

When I first started out as a freelance copywriter in 2002, I carried around a three-ring binder that held samples of my copywriting. I also had a basic website, but someone else maintained it, so keeping it updated was challenging. Plus, not everyone was online back in those days. Many people, especially small business owners […]