Copywriting Tips & Answers to Copywriting FAQs

My “Ask the Copy Bitch” blog is here for anyone who’s interested in copywriting tips, answers to copywriting FAQs, and very cute sloths named Stewie. 🙂

Many of the blog posts speak directly to new copywriters, and this is deliberate. I’ve been doing this copywriting thing since 2002, and over the years, I’ve mentored new copywriters. I realized a couple of years ago that I’m usually fielding the same questions, so I figured I should dedicate my blog and my YouTube channel to those questions so that I can maybe help more people.

Bottom line: Your questions inspire these posts, so please don’t hesitate to ask one! I might craft a post or video (or both) around it. Reach me through my contact page or email me directly: robyn at etrobbins dot com.

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What Is Digital Marketing?

Today, businesses use digital marketing to promote their services…

What Is Email Segmentation? The Secret to Successful Email Marketing

Here's today's question for the copy bitch: What is email segmentation?…

Content Writing vs Copywriting. Yes, They’re Interchangeable.

There's no shortage of videos and blog posts talking about content…

Best Gifts for Writers: The 2023 Holiday Edition

Whether you're holiday shopping or celebrating another occasion,…

What’s a Welcome Email Series? [Includes Welcome Email Examples]

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Digital Content Development: What It Is, Why It Matters & How to Do It Right

Today's topic is a fun one: digital content development. Below,…

Is Email Marketing the Same As Email Copywriting?

So, is email marketing the same as email copywriting? The short…

Wondering How to Become a Freelance Copywriter? Hint: Maybe You Shouldn’t

I spend a lot of time on my blog and YouTube channel talking…

A Day in the Life of a Freelance Copywriter

I started my freelance copywriting business in August 2002, which…

How to Start Copywriting: What Beginners Should Do

How to start copywriting is one of the most common questions…

You Got Your First Copywriting Client: Now What?

You've been learning the ins and outs of copywriting, including…

How Much Do Freelance Copywriters Make: Here Are My Numbers

OK, time to get vulnerable. I recorded the video (below) a couple…

How to Fire a Client Nicely: Script Included

Not every client relationship is all rainbows and puppy dogs.…

Advice for Freelancers: Learnings from My “31 Posts in 31 Days” Challenge

I started my YouTube channel, Ask the Copy Bitch, in late 2021.…

The Story Behind My Copywriting Business Name: What Copywriters Can Learn From It

My copywriting business name is E.T. Robbins Productions LLC. Where…