Copywriting Tips & Answers to Copywriting FAQs

My “Ask the Copy Bitch” blog is here for anyone who’s interested in copywriting tips, answers to copywriting FAQs, and very cute sloths named Stewie. 🙂

Many of the blog posts speak directly to new copywriters, and this is deliberate. I’ve been doing this copywriting thing since 2002, and over the years, I’ve mentored new copywriters. I realized a couple of years ago that I’m usually fielding the same questions, so I figured I should dedicate my blog and my YouTube channel to those questions so that I can maybe help more people.

Bottom line: Your questions inspire these posts, so please don’t hesitate to ask one! I might craft a post or video (or both) around it. Reach me through my contact page or email me directly: robyn at etrobbins dot com.

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Marketing Failures: Triple Shot Friday

Here are three failed marketing initiatives I experienced this…

Craptastic Websites & Awful Contact Us Pages

I was referred to a business the other day, so I popped on over…

Do You Want a Clever Ad or One That Works?

Q: Dear Copy Bitch--I want you to create a print ad with a really…

Word Confusion: No Peeking at my Peak!

Dear Copy Bitch: Got any tips for remembering how to use peek…

Is It OK to End Sentences with Prepositions? Short Answer: Yes.

Q: Dear Copy Bitch: Is it okay to end sentences with prepositions? A:…

Write Copy as if You’re a Criminal Minds Profiler

Here’s a question for you, dear readers: would you talk to…

How Human is Your Site? Balancing Good Writing with SEO

Dear Copy Bitch: How do you balance SEO needs with good writing? --Laura…

Word Confusion: Using “Then” & “Than” Correctly

Q: Dear Copy Bitch: I always misuse "then" and "than." Do you…

Failed Marketing Expose: Make Your Free Content Truly Free

So this surprised me: one of the "big players" in marketing and…

Why I (Sometimes) Hate Writing Websites

This might sound weird coming from a copywriter, especially since…

The Difference Between “Hone” & to “Home in on Something”

Question: I think you made a mistake in my copy because you used…

“Make Your Mole Famous” – A Word on Compelling Headlines

So I just saw an interesting banner hanging over a heavily-traversed…

Blog Content Question

Dear Copy Bitch: I met a chiropractor in my local BNI chapter…

Antecedent Question

Dear Copy Bitch: Does this make sense and do the words in red…