Entries by Robyn Bradley

How to Market Your Copywriting Business Online

You’ve hung out your virtual shingle for your copywriting business. Now what? Where are the clients? How can you help them find you? Step up, friends. Because that’s what I discuss in this post on how to market your copywriting business online. Below, I’m going to talk about one specific way: optimizing your website for […]

How to Get into Copywriting with No Experience: 4 Ways

You probably landed here because you’ve decided to become a copywriter. The only problem is you don’t have any copywriting experience. It’s a chicken and egg conundrum, isn’t it? But don’t worry. I’ve got your back. Below, I’ll discuss how to get into copywriting with no experience. I’m living proof that it is possible. I’ve […]

10 Copywriting Questions to Ask Clients

Asking great questions is the difference between a good copywriter and a great copywriter. Don’t worry: This is a learnable skill. To get started, check out my 10 copywriting questions to ask clients. This works for prospects. And with some customization, this will work with existing clients when they have a new project. Now, I […]

How to Be a Good Copywriter

Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been at this copywriting thing for a while, you may be wondering how to be a good copywriter. And by “good,” you might mean “great.” Or, as we say in Boston, “wicked pissah.” Since “how to be a wicked pissah copywriter” doesn’t get many searches, I will stick […]

What is a B2B Copywriting?

If you’re new to Copywriting Land, you might have encountered terms like “b2b copywriting” and “b2c copywriting.” So, what is b2b copywriting, and do you need to worry about it? Never fear, kids. The Copy Bitch is here with a simple explanation. Let’s get to it. (If you learn better by watching a video, scroll […]

How to Get Copywriting Clients: A Tutorial for New Copywriters

The most common question new copywriters ask me is how to get copywriting clients. And this question is followed quickly by whether the writer should focus on a niche. I’ve always been wishy-washy regarding the niche question for two reasons. First, I’ve been working as a freelance copywriter since 2002. I’m fortunate because I have […]

What is a Primary Source and a Secondary Source?

In my YouTube video on blog writing style, I talked about the importance of bringing in primary sources to enrich your blog posts (and other writing, like white papers). A viewer asked me if I had any tips on finding good primary sources. Before I answer that question, we need to take a step back […]

Copywriting Exercises for Beginners

Today, we’re going to talk about copywriting exercises for beginners. Many new copywriters will say to me, “I want to do this copywriting thing, but I’ve never written one single bit of copy. How can I practice? What are some good copywriting exercises I can do to develop my skills so that I can feel […]

Blog vs Email Newsletter: Which One Is Better?

One of my clients came to me about starting a quarterly email newsletter. I thought this was a great idea since the client wanted to use the newsletter as a way to stay in front of clients and colleagues, share recent work, and talk about relevant industry trends. The client is a small research company. […]

What is a Content Farm & Should You Work for One?

Today we have a philosophical question. It’s about content farms, also known as content mills: What is a content farm, and should you ever consider working for one? The short answer is like most things in life: It depends. I do have strong feelings about content farms, but I’m also only one person. And we […]