Copywriting Tips & Answers to Copywriting FAQs

My “Ask the Copy Bitch” blog is here for anyone who’s interested in copywriting tips, answers to copywriting FAQs, and very cute sloths named Stewie. 🙂

Many of the blog posts speak directly to new copywriters, and this is deliberate. I’ve been doing this copywriting thing since 2002, and over the years, I’ve mentored new copywriters. I realized a couple of years ago that I’m usually fielding the same questions, so I figured I should dedicate my blog and my YouTube channel to those questions so that I can maybe help more people.

Bottom line: Your questions inspire these posts, so please don’t hesitate to ask one! I might craft a post or video (or both) around it. Reach me through my contact page or email me directly: robyn at etrobbins dot com.

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Is Copywriting Still in Demand?

Have you been thinking about a career in copywriting but maybe…

My Favorite Copywriting Tools

I'll likely make this a recurring series, but to start, here…

Blogging and Copywriting: What’s the Difference?

Listen, I get it. We want things to be clear. And simple. And…

What Is Copywriting Anyway?

Thinking of becoming a copywriter? Let's back up a sec and discuss…

How to Get Clients as a Freelance Copywriter

Yay, you've done it! You've hung out your virtual shingle and…

How to Start a Copywriting Business

OK, so you've figured out that copywriting is for you—and that…

Is Copywriting for Me? 7 Signs Indicating YES

Have you been asking the question, "Is copywriting for me?" Cue…

Why Creative Product Descriptions Matter

Product descriptions absolutely should tell prospective customers…

Just Say No to Marketing Jargon

A fellow copywriter messaged me the other day. He said, "Good…

“Rent My Noggin” in the HOUSE

Back in 2010 or so, I offered this service called "Rent My Noggin."…

Why Proofreading Matters

This was tucked in my door the other day. How many mistakes can…

Customer Service Tips: Do You Treat Different Customers Differently?

Seth Godin brought up this thought-provoking question in a blog…

A vs. An Before an Acronym: The Pesky Rule Meant to Confuse

OK, Copy Bitch, I've got one for you: Is it proper to use "a"…

Competitor Research: Don’t Dismiss the Nobody

I got an interesting note from a client the other day: I just…

Email Marketing Tip Quickie

I've been writing email newsletters since I've been in business.…