Copywriting Tips & Answers to Copywriting FAQs

My “Ask the Copy Bitch” blog is here for anyone who’s interested in copywriting tips, answers to copywriting FAQs, and very cute sloths named Stewie. 🙂

Many of the blog posts speak directly to new copywriters, and this is deliberate. I’ve been doing this copywriting thing since 2002, and over the years, I’ve mentored new copywriters. I realized a couple of years ago that I’m usually fielding the same questions, so I figured I should dedicate my blog and my YouTube channel to those questions so that I can maybe help more people.

Bottom line: Your questions inspire these posts, so please don’t hesitate to ask one! I might craft a post or video (or both) around it. Reach me through my contact page or email me directly: robyn at etrobbins dot com.

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Customer Retention Strategies: Make it Easy to Cancel Memberships

So here's the story. There will be a quiz at the end. Once…

The Anatomy of a Great Offer

Dear Copy Bitch: I’m launching a new website (I’m a fellow…

Customer Retention Strategies: Are You Welcoming Customers or Scaring Them Away?

Yesterday, I went to my "remote" office, a local coffee shop…

A Business Lesson from “Lost”

It's the morning after the series finale of Lost, and many people…

In Social Media, Do One Thing Well

When it comes to social media, the biggest mistake I see business…

Outbound Marketing Fail: A Real Life Story

I’m a huge advocate of a marketing philosophy called “inbound…

What I Learned about Writing & Revision from David Sedaris

I saw David Sedaris last night at Symphony Hall in Boston. (If…

Grammar & Punctuation Rules: Joint Possession (we’re not talking pot laws)

Dear Copy Bitch: Which one is correct: Erik and Anne’s…

Do You Want Great Copy or Perfect Copy?

Do you want great copy or perfect copy? You'll be surprised…

Honest Marketing Copy: Ready for “Risky” Conversations?

Note from The Copy Bitch: I wrote this post in 2010, meaning…

Word Confusion: We vs. Us

Dear Copy Bitch: I struggle with we vs. us. Consider this example: Your…

Conversational Copywriting: Don’t underestimate “chatty” writing

Dear Copy Bitch: I'm banging my head over here because, once…

Taking a Writing Hiatus (i.e. Back Away from the Computer, Ma’am)

Dear Copy Bitch: We're kindred spirits: I'm a copywriter by day,…

Unsolicited Sales Calls Suck (So Don’t Make ‘Em)

Dear Copy Bitch: I'm having an argument with the sales folks…

Word Confusion: Adverse & Averse

Dear Copy Bitch: It drives me nuts when people mix up adverse…