Entries by Robyn Bradley

How to Conclude a Blog Post [Tips for New Copywriters]

You’ve structured your client’s blog post for SEO and written a compelling article that follows blogging best practices. You’ve reached the end of your draft, wondering, NOW WHAT? It’s a good question. Because HOW to conclude a blog post is a skill, just like writing an engaging intro is. And that’s what we’re going to […]

How to Write a Compelling Blog Post [Tips for New Copywriters]

If you’re a new copywriter wondering how to write a compelling blog post, you’re not alone. First, what the heck does “compelling” even mean? You’re going to hear that word a lot as you’re learning about copywriting and content marketing. You’ll also hear the word “engaging.” Write engaging copy, they said. Write compelling copy. Write […]

How to Write a Blog Post FAST [Tips for Beginning Copywriters]

Maybe clients are (finally) knocking on your virtual door, but now you have to write two blog posts for one client, three for another, and possibly two more if the latest prospect accepts your proposal. And suddenly, you find yourself googling “how to write a blog post fast.” Trust me, I get it. You want and […]

Blog Best Practices [Tips for New Copywriters]

If you’re a new freelance copywriter, I can almost guarantee you’ll be doing a lot of blogging for clients. Why? Well, blogging is an essential element in an effective inbound marketing strategy. This means you must understand blog best practices. You can’t just write any old thing, slap it on a blog, and call it […]

8 Questions to Ask a Copywriter

You’ve learned why you should hire a copywriter. You’ve found some good freelance copywriters online and set up initial calls. What’s next? You need smart questions to ask. That’s where I come in. Below, I give you eight questions to ask a copywriter. These questions will guide your initial meeting. BTW: Do you learn better […]

How to Hire a Copywriter: 7 Helpful Steps

I did a blog post on why you should hire a copywriter. Now, let’s discuss how to hire a copywriter. If you learn better by watching a video, I got you. Scroll to the end to see the video I recorded on this topic. How to find a good copywriter & how to hire a […]

Why Hire a Copywriter: 5 Smart Reasons

I spend a lot of time on this blog talking about how to be a successful copywriter. But why hire a copywriter in the first place? Can’t someone else in the company write that blog post or send the monthly email newsletter? Remember, a good copywriter is an asset. Here are five reasons why it […]

20 Essential Copywriting Skills

Want to be a kickass copywriter? Silly question. Of course, you do. Well, if that’s the case, make sure you embrace these 20 essential copywriting skills. I base these skills on my 20+ years as a successful freelance copywriter. Do you learn better by watching a video? I got you. Scroll to the end of […]

‘We Miss You’ Email Subject Lines: 5 Great Examples

If you do a lot of email marketing for clients, one type of email that you’ll want to occasionally send is the “We miss you” email. Below, I discuss . . . Why do you need to send “we miss you” emails? What is graymail? How often should you send “we miss you emails”? What […]

How to Find Copywriting Portfolio Examples to Inspire Your Own

One of the most common questions I get from new copywriters is this: How do I get copywriting samples if I don’t have any clients yet? And that question is followed quickly by this: How should I present my samples on my website? I answered the first question in this video, which I’ll embed at […]