Entries by Robyn Bradley

How to Write Good Contact Us Pages

Before we talk about how to write good contact us pages, let’s consider my experience with one that stunk up the joint. This was from a few years ago, but I remember it well. I was referred to a business, so I went to its website. The home page was professional-looking with clear navigation. It […]

Copywriter Websites: 5 Great Examples to Learn From

One of the most common questions new copywriters have is how to put together a website, including the all-important copywriting portfolio. My advice? Look at other copywriter websites for inspiration, which is exactly what we’re going to do in this blog post. Below, I’m including screenshots from five different copywriter websites. I’m not affiliated with […]

What Does a Copywriter Do Exactly?

What does a copywriter do exactly? Step right up. Below is my “tell it to me like I’m ten” explanation. Or if you prefer a video, here you go. What does a copywriter do exactly? Simply put, we provide the words that sell a product, a service, or a cause. Let’s illustrate this with an […]

How to Write a Great Bio for a Website

I recently discussed “About” page copywriting. Website bios are a big part of robust About pages. Often, brands will include bios for key people on the management team, and someone needs to pen those narratives, right? That brings us to the subject of this blog post: How to write a great bio for a website. […]

Mother’s Day Email Subject Line Examples [Tips for Copywriters]

For the last few weeks, I’ve been corralling all the Mother’s Day email subject lines that have entered my inbox. Even though the holiday is over as I write this blog post in late May 2023, I’m publishing this blog for two reasons. First, you can apply the tips to other holiday-related email campaigns. Second, […]

Copywriter vs Copy Editor: What’s the Difference?

If you’re new to Copywriting Land, you might be wondering what the difference is between a copywriter vs copy editor. I got you! But first, a disclaimer. For this post, I’m talking about copy editors who work for brands/companies rather than publishing houses or the media. While there’s overlap, a copy editor working for a […]

5 Examples of Time-Sensitive Email Subject Lines

We can’t discuss email marketing without discussing email subject lines. They are a critical component of a campaign’s success or failure. (And some would argue they’re the most critical component.) Below, I’ll be getting into examples of time-sensitive email subject lines. But first, here’s some helpful info: One of the best people you can follow […]

About Page Copywriting [Tips for Beginning Copywriters]

One of my favorite types of writing is “about” page copywriting. You’ve likely come across this on a brand’s website or a person’s website. Other words and phrases to describe this page include: Our Story Company Story About Me My Story You get the idea. The reason I love it so much? Because of the […]

How to Write a Creative Brief + Copywriting Brief Template

Giving your freelance copywriter a copywriting “brief” is an excellent way to make sure your project goes smoothly from the get-go. But what is a copywriting brief anyway? Who develops the copywriting brief? Why is a creative brief necessary? How to write a creative brief? Where can you find a good copywriting brief template? I’ll […]

How to Structure a Blog Post for SEO [Guide for New Writers]

Hopefully, you had a chance to read my article on blog best practices. (If not, I’ll wait. :)) Today, we’re going to discuss how to structure a blog post for SEO (search engine optimization). I recommend watching the video I recorded (embedded at the end) because I share my screen and walk you through one […]