How to Structure a Blog Post for SEO [Guide for New Writers]

Hopefully, you had a chance to read my article on blog best practices. (If not, I’ll wait. :)) Today, we’re going to discuss how to structure a blog post for SEO (search engine optimization).

I recommend watching the video I recorded (embedded at the end) because I share my screen and walk you through one of my blog posts. Methinks it will help to see the different pieces in action.

But here’s a brief overview of how to structure a blog for SEO.

First, make sure you have an engaging topic.

This involves understanding your client’s target audience and their “pain points,” as we like to say. What questions do they have? What problems are they trying to solve? What do they plug into Google when researching solutions to their problems?

Then, do keyword research to find the best keyword phrase to focus on.

I use Semrush. Another option is Google Keyword Planner, which is free. Need help with keyword research? Semrush has an excellent article on how to do keyword research for SEO.

Create a “compelling” title that includes the keyword phrase.

Keep in mind that what’s “compelling” is relative. Your title needs to be effective. An effective title compels a person to click. Check out the title of this post. My focus keyword phrase is “how to structure a blog post for SEO.” That probably doesn’t sound like a “compelling” title to most people. But for new copywriters interested in learning how to write optimized blog posts, the title will likely resonate with them.

Have a clear introduction that includes the keyword phrase.

You also need to situate the reader for what’s ahead. I often outline (in a bulleted list) what I’m going to discuss. My blog post on “What is a primary source” can show you what I mean about including an outline of what you plan on discussing.

Use the keyword phrase in headlines/sub-headlines if it makes sense.

Don’t stuff in the keyword phrase simply to include it. You don’t want to come across as spammy.

Use the keyword phrase naturally throughout the copy.

Don’t worry about so-called keyword density. (And share that link with anyone who tells you it’s still a thing.) Google is smart. Again, you don’t need to stuff the phrase into the copy.

Use synonyms for the keyword phrase. Because, again, Google is smart.

Write for people first, search engines second. Your goal is to write helpful, high-quality content that will satisfy the reader who landed on your blog post via search. How you format your content will depend on the topic. Maybe you set up the content in a question-and-answer format. Maybe it’s a checklist. Or maybe it’s more like a case study with a problem/solution/results format. Let the topic guide the flow.

Make sure your copy is punctuated correctly and grammatically correct.

Duh, right? Need help sharpening your proofreading skills? Check out my proofreading tips and tricks.

Link to relevant internal content. Don’t be afraid of linking to reputable external content, either.

Don’t link words like “Click here” or “read.” Instead, the anchor text should make it clear what you’re linking to. This helps readers AND Google.

So, to recap: Are you writing for people first, search engines second, and using the keyword phrase naturally throughout the copy to create a well-written, helpful article that resonates with your client’s target audience?

If so, congrats! You’ve learned how to structure a blog post for SEO.

Got a Question for the Copy Bitch?

That’s me! I’m the Copy Bitch. Contact me or visit my YouTube channel and leave a comment on one of my videos. I might make a blog post or video with the answer.