Entries by Robyn Bradley

The difference between i.e. and e.g. (plus how to remember)

The difference between i.e. and e.g. has confounded many writers, including this one back in the day. Not to mention keeping the difference straight once you learn it. I have a trick that works! But first things first. Let’s discuss the difference between i.e. and e.g. In Latin, i.e. stands for “id est,” which means “that is.” So, […]

How to Use a Semicolon Correctly

Are you wondering how to use a semicolon correctly? I usually tell people to avoid using them, mainly because most folks don’t know how to use them correctly. And when it comes to copywriting, semicolons aren’t necessary or useful 99.9999% of the time. But I’m also a big believer in “knowing the rules.” (Knowing the […]

How to Write Like a Lawyer. Hint: Don’t.

If you’re wondering how to write like a lawyer, you’re probably in law school, thinking about law school, or thinking that writing like a lawyer will make you sound smart. Well, here’s a story for you: A bunch of years ago, I taught a first-semester writing course to law students. The reason why this brave […]

Nonetheless vs Nevertheless: Are they interchangeable?

Dear Copy Bitch: Any thoughts on nonetheless vs nevertheless? Are they interchangeable? –Jay S., from an email It depends on who you talk to. Some say nonetheless and nevertheless have slightly different meanings. But the reality is most regular folks aren’t going to know the subtle difference. And guess what? Merriam-Webster considers nonetheless and nevertheless […]

Wondering How to Engage Customers? Some Do’s & Don’ts

I wrote this blog post on how to engage customers a bunch of years ago. In it, I share a true story. And you know what? The lessons within and the customer engagement strategies I share still hold true. So, let’s get to it: How to engage customers, a true-life story of the good, the […]

Could Care Less vs Couldn’t Care Less: Which Is It?

Language isn’t static—no surprise, right? That’s how trendy words get added to the dictionary, like rizz, which means “romantic appeal or charm.” Because language is constantly evolving, even technically correct answers can sometimes find themselves ignored to the point that the incorrect answer becomes accepted. And that’s what we’re seeing in the case of could […]

Proofreading Strategies: 4 Ways to Do It Online

Dear Copy Bitch: My eyes hurt! I stare at my computer all day and make mistakes left and right–stupid mistakes, too. Do you have any tips for proofreading on a computer monitor? –Grumpy Proofreader Answer: Yes, Grumpy, never fear! The Copy Bitch feels your pain and has proofreading strategies when reviewing stuff on the ol’ […]

Peak vs Peek vs Pique: Easy Tips for Keeping Them Straight

Peak vs peek vs pique. Oh, my! How the heck can you keep these pesky homophones straight? Luckily, I have an easy way to remember. Let’s dive in. When to use peak vs peek vs pique: use this trick PEEK: You need your eyes to look quickly—or “peek”—at something. There are two e’s in eyes. […]