Entries by Robyn Bradley

How to Use Customer Testimonials: 13 Ideas

Wondering how to use customer testimonials? Here are 13 ideas. 1. On your website. Here are some ideas: Home page As scrolling text (scrolling testimonials) on the header graphic of your website On specific service or industry pages In a “Testimonials” or “Happy Customers” section 2. On the back of your business card. Don’t waste […]

20 Business Anniversary Marketing Ideas For Big Milestones

It always amazes me when companies overlook simple things, like their own birthdays. Marking major milestones, like 10, 20, or 50+ years in business, is a great way to engage customers, reinforce credibility, and garner press. In 2022, I’m celebrating 20 (!) years in business as a freelance copywriter. So in the spirit of my […]

8 Company Newsletter Ideas to Try Out

Need some company newsletter ideas? Here are eight to consider. 1. Private Sale/Private Offering. Construct a newsletter around a special sale or offering that will be available to subscribers only. Promote this fact on Twitter and Facebook and grow your list while you’re at it. I recently worked on this concept for one of my […]

Messaging Strategies: Two Approaches

I recently worked on a messaging project for a client who’s in an industry where everyone says the same thing. Part of the reason for the message’s “sameness” is due to legal and compliancy issues. But the other reason has to do with fear. When I thought about it, I realized this situation is no […]

15 Facebook Post Ideas for Businesses

Dear Copy Bitch: You had a recent newsletter about status update ideas for company pages on Facebook. I thought it was a helpful article — is a digital version available so I can share it with friends and colleagues? Thanks! —Susan W., Boston Answer: Ah, yes. It’s summer. The web guy is busy drinking margaritas […]

Does Direct Mail Still Work? (Short Answer: Yes)

Dear Copy Bitch: We’re an HVAC company, and we keep encountering marketing consultants who say we should abandon direct mail marketing altogether. But here’s the thing: our direct mail pieces convert. The ROI is great. Still, I wonder if this is just an anomaly, and if I should get out while I can and redistribute […]

Honest Marketing Copy: Ready for “Risky” Conversations?

Note from The Copy Bitch: I wrote this post in 2010, meaning SEVEN years ago (as I sit here reviewing it on 7/9/17). I was talking about “authentic copy” and “honest marketing copy” seven years ago, and now I’m screaming it at the top of my lungs. Be real, people. The other day, I had […]

Conversational Copywriting: Don’t underestimate “chatty” writing

Dear Copy Bitch: I’m banging my head over here because, once again, I’ve encountered a client who thinks writing web copy and feature articles in third person is “right” and that “conversational” is unprofessional. I know you advocate conversational copy, so how do you handle this with clients? —Frustrated Copywriter in Boston Answer: I feel […]

Burnout and Creativity: Sometimes You Need to Walk Away

Ah, burnout and creativity. The two go together like PB&J, milk and cookies, sprinkles and ice cream . . . OK, you get the idea. But just because you’re a creative—a copywriter, fiction writer, whatever—that doesn’t mean you must burn out. Here’s a question I got from a site visitor about burnout and creativity. . […]