Entries by Robyn Bradley

Copywriting Exercises for Beginners

Today, we’re going to talk about copywriting exercises for beginners. Many new copywriters will say to me, “I want to do this copywriting thing, but I’ve never written one single bit of copy. How can I practice? What are some good copywriting exercises I can do to develop my skills so that I can feel […]

Blog vs Newsletter: Which One Is Better? Hint: It Depends

One of my clients approached me about starting a quarterly email newsletter. I thought this was a great idea since the client wanted to use the newsletter to stay in front of clients and colleagues, share recent work, and discuss relevant industry trends. The client is a small research company. I worked on the client’s […]

What is a Content Farm & Should You Work for One?

Today, we have a philosophical question about content farms, also known as content mills: What is a content farm, and should you ever consider working for one? The short answer is, like most things in life, it depends. I have strong feelings about content farms, but I’m only one person. And we have to remember that […]

Where Do Copywriters Work? Understanding Copywriting Jobs

I’m going to answer the question “Where do copywriters work?” in a moment, but if you’re reading this, please indulge me. (If you simply want the answer to the question, no hard feelings; click here to jump to the start of the answer.) It’s the last day of August 2024 as I update this blog […]

What Does a Copywriter Portfolio Look Like? Tips for New Copywriters

When I first started out as a freelance copywriter in 2002, I carried around a three-ring binder that held samples of my copywriting. I also had a basic website, but someone else maintained it, so keeping it updated was challenging. Plus, not everyone was online back in those days. Many people, especially small business owners […]

Freelance Copywriter Invoice Template: Download Now!

If you’re looking for a freelance copywriter invoice template, you’ve come to the right place. In my video at the end of this article, I discuss what needs to go on your invoice. But feel free to skip it and simply download the goods instead. Note: These files should be fine, but I’m not responsible […]

How to Invoice as a Freelancer

Many of the things I address on my Ask the Copy Bitch YouTube channel have to do with the day-to-day running of your freelance copywriting business. And how to invoice as a freelancer is a biggie. It applies to most freelancers out there, not just writers. Don’t feel like reading? Watch the video at the […]

How to Nail Your Subject Matter Expert Interview

Wondering how to nail your subject matter expert interview for your article, blog post, white paper, guide, or some other piece of marketing content you’ve been tasked to write as a freelance copywriter or content writer? Well, step right up. Below, I answer the following: What is a subject matter expert (SME)? Why should freelance […]