Entries by Robyn Bradley

How to Start Copywriting: What Beginners Should Do

How to start copywriting is one of the most common questions I get as The Copy Bitch.  Watch my video on this topic. Or scroll past it for my written take. How to start copywriting: What beginners should do Before you start copywriting, make sure you have solid writing “chops,” as I like to say.  […]

You Got Your First Copywriting Client: Now What?

You’ve been learning the ins and outs of copywriting, including what it takes to run a small freelance copywriting business. All of your hard work is (finally) paying off. You’re about to sign your first copywriting client. OK. So, now what? I received an email from a new copywriter in this exact position. The person […]

How Much Do Freelance Copywriters Make: Here Are My Numbers

OK, time to get vulnerable. I recorded the video (below) a couple of weeks ago about how much do freelance copywriters make, but I decided to sleep on it. For two weeks. Is it “safe” to publish money numbers? Will it come across as boastful? Or the opposite—unimpressive—given I’ve been doing this since 2002? Watch […]

How to Fire a Client Nicely: Script Included

Not every client relationship is all rainbows and puppy dogs. I wish they were. For your sake. For mine. For the poor rainbows and puppy dogs. But alas. Sometimes you need to break up with a client. It happens. I’ve been a freelance copywriter since 2002. Over twenty+ years, I can count on one hand […]

What Does a Website Copywriter Do?

I recently discussed what a copywriter does, but now let’s drill down into some categories: What does a website copywriter do? If you’d prefer watching a video, here you go. Otherwise, scroll past it for All. The. Words. First, what is website copywriting? Website copywriting is exactly as it sounds: You’re writing the words that […]

How to Brainstorm Content Ideas without Hurting Your Noggin

One of my specialties is coming up with ideas. I’m never at a loss, whether in my copywriting life or fiction-writing life. The problem is never a lack of ideas. It’s a lack of time to do something with all the ideas. (And, of course, not all ideas are good ideas. But that’s a subject […]

How to Write Good Contact Us Pages

Before we talk about how to write good contact us pages, let’s consider my experience with one that stunk up the joint. This was from a few years ago, but I remember it well. I was referred to a business, so I went to its website. The home page was professional-looking with clear navigation. It […]

Copywriter Websites: 5 Great Examples to Learn From

One of the most common questions new copywriters have is how to put together a website, including the all-important copywriting portfolio. My advice? Look at other copywriter websites for inspiration, which is exactly what we’re going to do in this blog post. Below, I’m including screenshots from five different copywriter websites. I’m not affiliated with […]