How to Use Customer Testimonials: 13 Ideas
Wondering how to use customer testimonials? Here are 13 ideas.
1. On your website. Here are some ideas:
- Home page
- As scrolling text (scrolling testimonials) on the header graphic of your website
- On specific service or industry pages
- In a “Testimonials” or “Happy Customers” section
2. On the back of your business card. Don’t waste this valuable space — use it!
3. On press/speaking materials.
4. On a “Testimonials” or “Review” section on Facebook.
5. As the inspiration for a blog post or newsletter topic. Pick an idea or theme from one of your testimonials and write a blog post around it. For example, in the testimonial Lise gave me above, she mentions my ability to turn “geek speak” into approachable copy. Well, “5 Tips for De-Geeking Copy” would make a fun blog post or newsletter article.
6. On email signatures. Call it “Happy Customer Quote” or “Fan Mail” and put it after your signature and use a new one every month. Opt for short, punchy, even funny ones, or testimonials that are super, super specific and talk about the type of business you want to get more of. Different people in your company can use different testimonials specific to their jobs and talents.
7. On LinkedIn. This involves an extra step of asking your client, provided you’re connected to him or her, to write the testimonial on LinkedIn. But most people are happy to do so.
8. On invoices.
9. In newsletters (electronic or print). They make great sidebar items.
10. In brochures.They work well as call-outs in the body copy, especially if they’re reinforcing a particular message.
11. On packaging.
12. On auto responder emails. For example, think of the welcome letter people receive when they subscribe to your newsletter through Constant Contact (or some other email vendor like Mail Chimp).
13. In advertising. Again, used as a call out, it can help reinforce the message.
What other ways do you use testimonials? I’d love to hear about them. Leave your thoughts in the comments.
Oh, and if you’re wondering how to solicit customer testimonials, follow this strategy:
- Ask (be clear how you’re going to use it and ask if you can use the person’s relevant info, like name and company).
- Receive (always in writing — keep these permissions on file).
- Show gratitude. A heartfelt thank you is always appreciated. And pay it forward by offering to write a testimonial for someone else who does a great job for you.