Copywriting Tips & Answers to Copywriting FAQs

My “Ask the Copy Bitch” blog is here for anyone who’s interested in copywriting tips, answers to copywriting FAQs, and very cute sloths named Stewie. 🙂

Many of the blog posts speak directly to new copywriters, and this is deliberate. I’ve been doing this copywriting thing since 2002, and over the years, I’ve mentored new copywriters. I realized a couple of years ago that I’m usually fielding the same questions, so I figured I should dedicate my blog and my YouTube channel to those questions so that I can maybe help more people.

Bottom line: Your questions inspire these posts, so please don’t hesitate to ask one! I might craft a post or video (or both) around it. Reach me through my contact page or email me directly: robyn at etrobbins dot com.

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Client Relations: Should You Give Customers What They Want or What They Need?

Dear Copy Bitch: I'd like your take on something. Lately, I've…

The Value of Good Copywriting

I received this email a couple of weeks ago (I'm not editing…

Word Confusion: e.g. &. i.e.

Dear Copy Bitch: Can you settle an argument I'm having with my…

How to Use a Semicolon – Just 2 Rules

Dear Copy Bitch: You often say to avoid semicolons. But I want…

Cost-Per-Click: Will it cost less if you lose the hyphens?

Dear Copy Bitch: We are always having these debates in the…

Don’t Write Like This (even if you’re a lawyer)

Dear Copy Bitch: Aren't long, complex sentences with big words more…

Word Confusion: Nevertheless vs Nonetheless

Dear Copy Bitch: Any thoughts on the use of nevertheless vs.…

Poor Website Strategy: Watch Out for Poop Proliferation

Dear Copy Bitch: What's the most challenging thing in your industry…

Do You Write Peek-a-Boo Headlines?

You should. What's a peek-a-boo headline? Let's brush up on…

Apples, Peaches, and George Clooney Naked

Question: Hey, Copy Bitch: What’s the proper use of commas…

“Making It” as a Copywriter & Voice Over Artist

Dear Copy Bitch: My name is Kenya, and I love your website. …

Back Up Your Backup and Long Live Redundancy!

Dear Copy Bitch: Should "back up" be one word or two? --IT Geek Answer:…

Should You “Buy” Facebook Fans?

Dear Copy Bitch: We just launched a company fan page on Facebook.…

Confounding the Copy Bitch: You Can Die Happy Now

I may be The Copy Bitch, but that doesn't mean I know everything…

Case Study: Simple Steps to Better Blog Promotion

Dear Copy Bitch: As my favorite bitch when it comes to critiquing…